Massage is often regarded as a pampering treatment, but it is actually much more.

At Therapeaze we offer massage for both Men and women.   And men, if you think massage is only for the girls, think again!   Roman soldiers were routinely massaged before going into battle because it made them more effective fighters!

Our massage therapies have less violent objectives!  Our made to measure treatments are for:  relaxation,  remedying soft tissue injury,  enhancing sports performance,  reducing toxins,  improving movement, and making you feel good.   It’s about promoting and enhancing your well being.

Improving your feel good factor is especially desirable as winter approaches.  It’s a physical process: light levels decrease, seratonin levels in the brain diminish, and we don’t feel quite as buoyant as we did in high summer!

How enjoyable and pleasant it is then, to have a lovely soothing massage and to benefit from a bit of special ‘me time’ to restore your spirits !

Contact us now  and book your appointment.  Treat yourself!  Why not?